Yogurtland Singapore

Yogurtland, Singapore 3 Temasek Boulevard Suntec City Mall - Singapore

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78 /100
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Last update on 02/06/2021
36 Reviews


Maureen McFerson Hadden
Yes its expensive, but it is for sure worth it! This is how Fro-yo should taste, none of that heavy diacetyl flavor of llao llao. Their range of flavors taste so fresh and delicious. I hope they open many more outlets in Singapore!
Zheng Whye Hui
Squeeze! Mix! Stack! DIY your own yogurt! A very spacious yogurt concept that squeezes some creative juices out of your brain. I first saw this concept when I was in Seoul, which is entirely different from the conventional "yogurt counter" concept when you used to be served by pretty girls with sweet voices, who use their delicate hands to decorate your petite toppings onto the frozen yogurt. Its time to get messy and dirty. With multiple flavored yogurt to be dispensed and a dazzling range of fruits, nuts and snacks, its time to channel your inner Cédric Grolet (google him if you are still a frog in the well) and finish your masterpiece! This particular outlet uses the "pay by weight" model. Which I think its very fair as you will be the ultimate person who chooses all the ingredients. BUT DONT BE GREEDY with the yogurt quantity. Boys and Girls, the cup has a limited size. I once saw in Seoul one super greedy person in a "pay by number of toppings payment model" (means you can take as much yogurt as you want at same price), tower his yogurt so high that the whole giant frozen xmas tree toppled! WASTEFUL =( So come down over to Squeeze! Mix! Stack! DIY your own yogurt!
mark neow
Make yr own yogurt! Nice flavours, comparable pricing as other yogurt places.
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Now open
  • Monday: 12.00–22.00
  • Tuesday: 12.00–22.00
  • Wednesday: 12.00–22.00
  • Thursday: 12.00–22.00
  • Friday: 12.00–22.00
  • Saturday: 12.00–22.00
  • Sunday: 12.00–22.00

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