Piao Ji Fish Porridge Singapore

Piao Ji Fish Porridge, Singapore 7 Maxwell Road Mnd Building Annexe B - Singapore


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Ratings of Piao Ji Fish Porridge


Last update on 04/01/2024
8 Reviews
Last update on 28/10/2020


One of the best fish soups in Singapore. Especially the fish and prawn variant. They're honestly a bit pricy but the soup flavor is complex. They add fried lard and ginger so that gives the soup a more savory flavour that compliments the fish very well. Very different from the typical clean and healthy fish soups. Their dipping sauce is really nice too! Salted veg, soy sauce, and chili. Everything is just a really good match and flavors are harmonious.
Wang Teck Heng
Finally managed to try this famous fish soup at Amoy Food Centre. Is it the best fish soup that I have eaten? Probably not but it has its unique selling points. The light fish soup is served with a little pork lard and shallot, just a bit so that it does not cover the taste of the soup. It also does not have the over powering taste of sole fish like other places. The pickled ginger chilli is a heavenly match with the seafood. The very fresh fish is more thickly sliced than other places and gives it a nice bite. Prawns was also lovely. $15 for the bowl, yes, I decided to see what I can get for the price! Quite naturally, everyone is looking at my bowl as I savor the food, since I sat just beside the queue. Worth checking out but probably not something an average worker would eat everyday.
Mark Ong
Ok hands down best Teochew fish soup hawker store in my books. Guys , this a storm in a bowl . Beneath it's clear soup surface , it hidden multiple layers of taste. The fresh fish soup hits you with freshness, then salty , shallots kick in with the lard laden your tougue . Before you know it , the ginger flower brought refreshness back into your taste buds . I had not been pleasantly surprised for a while now . The fish is bouncy and fresh . It's marinated well to be salty but not overpowering its freshness . Pork lard is very fresh. Every month is a tougue spa . Queue worth it ? Definitely .
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PIAO JI FISH PORRIDGE, SINGAPORE - 7 Maxwell Road Mnd Building Annexe B - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 88 based on 68 parameters and reviews

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